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A person gardening- Babo Botanicals

BABO bOTANICALS' brand story

We were born in a garden. You might already know that Babo Botanicals’ ingredients are pure. But so are our origins!

Meet our founder!

Growing up around the buzzing hives of her family’s beekeeping farm, our founder Kate Solomon learned early on that nature’s gifts are the purest and most effective remedies. In founding Babo Botanicals in 2010, Kate’s dream was to bring the nurturing power of plant-based care into every home.

A collage of Babo Botanicals founder Kate Solomon with her product Moisturizing Baby Shampoo & Wash- Babo Botanicals

A Passion for sharing nature's wonders.

Kate always had a passion for sustainable agriculture and nutrition — even teaching these crafts to women in rural Paraguay during her time with the Peace Corps. In 2010, Kate paired those passions with her decade-long experience in product formulation, and Babo Botanicals was born: a line of personal care products using natural ingredients, as safe for your entire family as it is for the planet.

A girl laying in a field of lavender
Babo Botanicals Founders son with his stuffed bunny named Babbo

Can you guess where our name comes from?

Kate named the company after her little boy's security bunny that he called Babo: she loved how safe and comforted he felt with Babo in his arms, and she wanted people to feel that security and comfort with her products. Since then, Babo Botanicals continued to blossom into the company you love today: authentic, nature-infused products relied upon all around the world by families just like yours.

Staying true to our roots, it's our nature

Today, when we think of our origins, we remember our namesake: Babo the bunny, soothing and comforting. We will always be a small family company at heart, cultivating our founder’s vision: that our relationship with nature is reciprocal. Babo Botanicals provides you with the best of Mother Nature in every product: offering comfort and health in the most natural way we can.

A young girl in a field of grass

Family roots, with a planet perspective

Explore Babo Botanicals