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From babies to adults, who doesn’t love a good bubble bath at the end of the day? If your little one has a hard time winding down before bed — and let’s be honest, this happens with every child at some point or another — try incorporating a nightly bath into your bedtime routine.

Sometimes a nice, warm bath is just what your little one needs to relax! In this article, Babo Botanicals gives you eight bubble bath hacks and recommends some products to help you and your baby make the most of bath time.

Bubble Bath Hacks

1) Gather The Right Products

Gathering the right products for your bubble bath is a must. Using good bathtime products can make or break the quality of your bath! You want products that are gentle and won’t irritate your or your baby’s skin.

With Babo Botanicals, you can rest easy knowing that our products are ideal for even the most sensitive skin types. Our Calming Lavender Bubble Bath & Wash contains the soft, soothing scent of French Lavender to help your baby relax, setting them up for a good night’s sleep!

Another multi-purpose bubble bath is our Eucalyptus Body Wash & Bubble Bath. You won’t be able to do anything but relax because this bubble bath contains a mixture of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Rosemary Oil!

The soothing scent will help you and your baby unwind from the day while nourishing your little one’s skin. Remember to keep the bottle in arms-reach since you’ll use it to wash your baby’s body and hair!

If your little one has eczema-prone skin or just extra sensitive skin in general, try our Moisturizing Oat & Calendula Bubble Bath & Wash. This bubble bath specifically contains Oatmilk and Organic Calendula to help relieve your baby’s eczema and soothe their dry skin!

Gathering the right products for a bubble bath is the first step in making sure it’s going to be a relaxing one. As you can see, Babo Botanicals has a variety of options to choose from to make this a reality for you and your baby!

2) Play Some Music

Music is an amazing thing. It has the power to motivate, inspire, and — you guessed it — help you relax.

Whether you and your little one sing songs during bath time or just listen to music, the right melody will help you both unwind.

And if your child doesn’t seem interested in the music, go ahead and put some on for yourself! They’ll be relaxed if you're relaxed. It won’t matter what music is playing in the background as long as you’re having fun with it!

3) Tone Down The Lights

Another easy bubble bath hack for complete relaxation is to dim the lights. Softer lighting creates a calming atmosphere and can really help your little one release any stress or negative emotions from the day.

Believe it or not, babies and kids actually do experience these kinds of emotions, especially if the environment they are in is stressful. The right lighting is a great way to encourage relaxation and keep your child’s spirits up.

If you don’t have a dimmer in your bathroom, turn off the lights and light some candles. This sets your baby up for the night, letting them know it’s time to wind down and get ready for bed.

4) Adjust The Water Temperature

Now that you’ve gathered your products and set the tone in your bathroom with lighting and music, it’s time to get the bath water ready!

You don’t want the water to be too hot because it might be uncomfortable for your baby and irritate their skin instead of soothing it. You also don’t want it too cold because nobody likes a cold bath!

To make sure your little one’s bath water is safe and comfortable, test out the water temperature with your elbow first and adjust as needed.

Also, your little one will most likely want to soak in their bubble bath for more than just a few minutes. But after a little while, the water tends to get stagnant and cold.

If that happens, you may need to add more water as your little one soaks in the tub. But remember, they’ll only be able to fully relax if the water temperature is just right!

5) Don’t Be Stingy With The Bubbles

After filling up the tub, it’s time to add the main relaxation ingredient: bubbles! Ideally, for Baby Botanicals bubbles, you’ll want to add in two capfuls of the formula under running water to make great bubbles!

If you have to add more water to keep the temperature just right, like we mentioned above, add some more bubbles while you’re at it. This will keep your little one’s bath nice and bubbly until they’re ready to get out.

Whichever bubble bath you choose, the calming scent from the bubbles is the perfect addition to your baby’s bedtime routine!

6) Read A Book

While your little one is soaking in the tub, read them a book.

Note: This is only possible if your little one is at the age where they’re sitting up on their own! (If they’re not, your hand will need to be on them at all times.) If your baby is old enough, let them relax in the tub as you read, but keep a close eye on them.

This bubble bath hack meets your baby’s various sensory needs. They can look at the pictures. They can listen to the story. They can touch and smell the bubbles.

The only sense we’re missing is taste. Of course, you don’t want your little one eating or tasting the bubbles! But, sometimes, a little bit of the bubbles can end up in your baby’s mouth by accident.

If you’re using Babo Botanicals products, that’s completely OK! Our products are made with natural ingredients, like water, Coconut, Rosemary, Kudzu Root, and Oat — just to name a few.

At Babo Botanicals, our motto is: “Family Comes First, Naturally.”

7) Don’t Rush

Babo Botanicals- Baby taking a bath with Lalo bath toys and products

You can’t rush a good thing, bath time included! Give your little one some time to relax and enjoy their bath.

We know there are nights when you might be running behind and you just have to hurry through your bath routine so your little one can get to bed on time. But, overall, try to enjoy bath time with your baby.

Soak up these moments with your child while you can. Before you know it, you’ll have a teenager on your hands and bathtime woes will be a thing of the past!

8) Moisturize After Bath Time

Wrap up a successful bath session with the right lotion for your baby to keep them relaxed!

Our Calming Lavender Body Lotion pairs nicely with our Calming Lavender Bubble Bath & Wash. The soothing scent of French Lavender and Chamomile is just what your baby needs to stay calm and relaxed for bedtime.

To soothe and protect your baby’s sensitive or dry skin after bath time, use our Moisturizing Oat & Calendula Lotion. Moisturize and soothe your little one’s delicate and rough skin areas to help them sleep well!

9) Add A Dash Of Essential Oils

Want to punch up the power of your baby’s relaxing bath? Consider adding a drop of essential oils to their warm bath water!

Essential oils are incredible tools for aromatherapy. A single drop will deliver a powerful, heavenly scent of your choice and soothe your baby as they relax and play with you during bath time.

When adding oils to the bathtub, be sure to only use a drop! Since they’re ultra-concentrated plant compounds, a touch too much could irritate your baby’s skin.

It’s also important to note here that some essential oils have not been proven safe for babies, so always talk to your pediatrician before adding any oils to your little one’s routine.

10) Make Your Own Bubbles

The fun doesn’t have to start and stop at the bathtub. If your child is old enough to lend a hand, you can work together to create their very own bubbles! They’ll get the excitement of a science experiment with the reward of relaxation.

The other good news? It’s super simple to create a bubble bath mix at home!

If you’d like to give this a go, you’ll need:

  • One cup of castile soap, unscented if your child has sensitive skin
  • ⅓ cup of vegetable glycerin, marked for skin care use
  • 1 tablespoon of distilled water
  • A couple of drops of your essential oil(s) of choice

Combine the soap, glycerin, and water together until completely incorporated. Then add one or two drops of essential oils. Voila! Your child has their very own bubble bath!

Before making this bubble bath, we recommend double-checking if your child has any sensitivities to certain essential oils.

Lavender, sandalwood, sage, and orange oils are known to be safe for infants and babies. And by diluting the oils with the soap mixture, you’ll ensure that your little one isn’t being exposed to too many oils at once.

This bath recipe should leave your little one’s skin feeling soft, moisturized, and replenished!

11) Have A Tie-Dye Bath

Similar to making their own bubble bath recipe, your child can color their bath, too! The only thing more exciting than a mountain of soothing bubbles is a rainbow mountain of soothing bubbles.

Your little Einstein will love concocting this recipe in the kitchen with you. If you’d like to try making DIY color bath tablets, here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 tablespoon of citric acid (sold online or at some health grocery stores)
  • 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • Liquid food coloring, marked safe for skin and food

You’ll also need a silicone mold of some kind that will allow you to press the mixed materials into it so they can take the shape of something.

Candy molds or cookie molds are a great option! You’ll want to aim for something with small impressions — a brownie-sized color bomb may have so much rich color that the water appears black!

You’ll also want to have some bowls handy. Grab as many bowls as colorants you intend to mix.

Once you have all of your tools and ingredients assembled, mix all of the dry ingredients together. Then spoon out a tablespoon of the mixture into each empty bowl until all of the bowls have an equal amount of mixture shared between them.

Now comes the fun part — adding all of the colors!

Each bowl will get its own color of your choice. Since most food coloring packets only come with primary colors, don’t forget to check out a color theory wheel to achieve those shades in-between!

Aim to add only enough color drops to successfully tint the mixtures into a rich color. Adding too much liquid will make the mixture too loose, so work toward a paste consistency.

Afterward, press the mixed colors into the molds. Let them dry in a temperate, dry spot overnight. They’ll be ready to pop out once they’re completely dry and can be used immediately!

Your child will look forward to bath time every night for a chance to make their very own bubbly, watercolor rainbow!

12) Use Your Laundry Basket

At first, this tip may sound a little bit strange — why would you put a plastic laundry basket in the middle of your child’s bathtub?

We’ve all had those times when we needed to pinch pennies here and there. This hack is great for saving a little cash while still lending your baby some extra sit-up support during bath time!

Some specialty baby bathtubs take up a lot of space in small homes or apartments. Utilizing a plastic laundry basket serves a dual purpose.

It can support your baby’s posture, allowing them to play happily during their bath time, and also help you with the dirty laundry once they’ve fallen asleep!

Most laundry baskets have holes or openings to allow dirty clothes to aerate. This makes them handy for bath time, too, so the water can rush right through and anchor the basket to the bottom of the tub.

You won’t worry about your child slipping and sliding unsafely in the middle of the bath. You two will be able to focus on spending a loving, relaxing bath time together!

13) Bring The Toys To The Tub

Who said playtime and bath time had to be separate?

Especially if your child always has extra energy to burn at night time, incorporating some hydro toys in your bathtime routine will let your child have a blast (and tire themselves out for a good night’s sleep!).

There are tons of toys on the market for playing in the bath. Your child can use bubble blowers, water guns (with very limited range — we don’t want your floor to get wet and slippery!), or sponge toys to keep them entertained.

You can even make bath time into a fun, educational evening for you and your child.

The easiest way to do this is by using those plastic ABCs everyone has laying around their house. Add them to the bath and make “alphabet soup” together!

Soak Up And Relax

At Babo Botanicals, we want to help you make bath time enjoyable and memorable! You can’t go wrong with any of our bubble baths as a way for you and your baby to relax at the end of the day.

Keep our bubble bath hacks in mind during bath time, like playing some music, toning down the lights, and finding the water temperature that’s just right for your little one. And, remember, the more the bubblier!

Don’t rush through bath time, and make it even more relaxing by reading a book. And, lastly, use the right lotion after bath time so your baby can continue to relax and unwind before bed.

Choose the bubble bath that’s right for you and your baby. Now it’s time to soak up and relax!